
Wind Farm Fine Location

Wind resource assessment is the significant factor for profitability of a wind farm. The wind resource assessment campaign represents one of the most important phases in the development of utility-scale wind farms.

Lidar system measures the wind very differently from conventional anemometry. The differences between these measurement systems must be considered when comparing wind characteristics derived from them. One difference is that WindPrint V300 measures the wind speed within a volume (40m to 240m) of air rather than at a point. Another is that WindPrint V300 records a vector average speed rather than a scalar average speed.

Lidar system also behave differently from mast under precipitation, in turbulence, and where vertical winds are significant; and their performance can reduce project risk by variations in temperature, complex terrain, gobi and other factors.

The portable lidar system can be simply installed on either stationary or moving platform for onshore/offshore wind farm.




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